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Boosting Presentation Skills for Leaders in Transition
If you are a leader in transition and want to enhance your presentation skills, try this program. Whether you are presenting yourself to a United States Army General, making a presentation to your staff, introducing yourself to a new colleague or are an individual contributor who’s interested in making greater impact in your personal and professional life, this option will prepare you. Together, we will address and create solutions in the following areas: Presentation Skills Practice, Group Coaching, Government Consulting, 1:1 Coaching, Constructive Feedback
Trekking Fitness, Wellness Transitions
If you are a wellness-minded professional, former athlete, coach, and/or fitness-honed individual, try this program. Together, we will cover transitioning your career, life and/or business. You may have sustained an injury and are looking for rehabilitation resources. You may be searching for an opportunity to launch a new business, and you are focused on the ideation phase for your career. This program offers you progress to get your desired results. We will address and create solutions in the following areas: Life, Career, Physical, Mental Transitions, Physical Body Check-In & Outsourcing Rehabilitation, ID Skills, Talents & Evaluate Productivity Instincts, Start-Up Ideation & Blueprint
Coaching Coaches
If you are currently an executive coach, fitness coach, wellness-based business owner and/or career coach, try this program. Your passion is to serve your client base and you are ready to expand your reach and create greater impact. You have a track record that speaks to your leadership and vision talents, and, now, you are ready to transition your abilities and focus on new levels of performance. Together, we will open up new several areas to help you progress. We will address and create solutions in the following areas: 1:1 Coaching, Boost Coaching Skills, Networking Skills, Aligning Vision, Facilitation Talents
Outplacement Services
If you recently have been or will be displaced from your organization, try this program. You know you are talented, but, now, you are focused on transitioning your current life and career. You might want to brush up your resume, your interviewing skills and networking capabilities – an overall career preparedness. You could, also, be looking for guidance on your vision for this next venture and would welcome input to accomplish this. Together, we will build the bridge between your previous career path and your new career path. We will address and create solutions in the following areas: 1:1 Coaching, Resume Writing, Networking Skills, Presentation Skills, Bio Writing, Interviewing Skills, Constructive Feedback, Aligning Vision